Saturday, August 28, 2010

Now where is my change?

Now where is my change?
Originally uploaded by wildwombat1


Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
There's no way,my tiny legs can reach the pedals

Colored like me

Colored like me
Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
This place, is to neat for words. Just an wall that is colored just like MEEeeeee

MMhmm pretty blue-thing

MMhmm pretty blue-thing
Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
The force is strong with this one.... oh wait...thats NOT a Lightsabre??


Originally uploaded by wildwombat1

Big Purse

Big Purse
Originally uploaded by wildwombat1 much $$$$ can you fit in this huge purse?


Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
Ohh look..someone dropped their purse

Bench- wide view

Bench- wide view
Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
Is the bench really that big?


Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
Melbourne Visitor Boo.?.. uhmm "Bookings"? i forget

Resting @ Bourke St Melbourne

Blue lights..Steel pipes..& me in awesome is that?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The athletic track

The athletic track
Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
I am pretty sure, if i started running now, i'de be the winner.

It's tender

It's tender
Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
All aboard, for a ride to nowhere.

No wood + Steel fence == no go

Port side view (is is "port" on a train ? )

Thats not a very good flyscreen, Mr Traindriver

Train's Staircase

Train's Staircase
Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
Wow..they're big stairs for my tiny legs to climb

A2 Class Locomotive train's been fenced in

A2 Class Locomotive

A2 Class Locomotive
Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
Is that a class A2 steam train,over there?

Where do i buy a ticket from?

Nearby Park

Nearby Park
Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
Went along here today.But it was so cold being winter afterall.

I couldn't even pop my head into the photo,as i was all rugged up.
I'll return to take better/more pics later (spring maybe)

How good does Melbourne look,on a winters day

Pretty nice, i think

Galvinised iron used many different ways

Yahh..they buy one product, as use it in so many ways here

Uhmm..dangerous cliffs too..ooooo

...Or unstable cliffs.

Just why did i agree to come along..?


Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
Nobody told me about ~~~~Sssssnakes~~~~~~~<

Yes we see you

Yes we see you
Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
I can see for miles..from way up here ;)

Bridge view of the Yarra River

On my way home now, i cross this last bridge for one last look at the beautifull scenery


Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
Baby (or juvenile) bird, is not as colorfull as the parents.

Parrot close

Parrot close
Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
Colorfull Parrot, feeding on the lawn

Birds feeding on lawn

Birds feeding on lawn
Originally uploaded by wildwombat1
The birds didn't worry me.... so i didn't worry them


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.