Sunday, January 1, 2012

Not so much smoke on the water,but fire

P1020346 by wildwombat1

Monte Midnight Gold fireworks

P1020344 by wildwombat1


P1020313 by wildwombat1

Darkness falls...oooohh

P1020334 by wildwombat1

Yachts & tall Buildings

P1020273 by wildwombat1

NYE in Melbourne

P1020278 by wildwombat1
What a lovely place

Morley?.. surley Monte Reserve

P1020266 by wildwombat1

Land Lubber Monte

P1020267 by wildwombat1
(sings) I'm sailing away...Set an open course for the Virgin Sea...

Monte & the Cannon

P1020268 by wildwombat1
This thing, a cannon won't be letting the fireworks off tonight ... will it?